Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Trump - Carson Team for 2016

Donald J Trump & Ben Carson

They have one thing in common. They are not politicians. One is businessman; another is professional doctor. They are the real challenges to the American Political System.

Islamic State is not a threat to American politicians. American politicians are afraid of these two.

Not just the GOP is scared of these non-politicians; but also the Democrats party is worried about them. Apart from these two political parties, CNN is much more worried about these two non-politicians.

These two non-politicians are breaking the tradition. In fact, they don't do any thing against the constitution; but their actions are breaking the tradition; the tradition of two party based politics.

In fact, George Washington was totally and completely against this idea of forming political party. Had George Washington lived for one more decade then he might had suggested an amendment to prevent anyone from forming any political party.

When an immigrant comes into this country, the very first thing the person reads, is the Constitution of United States. After reading it, the very first question the person may ask,

Which party George Washington belong to? 
Was Washington a democrat or a republican?

A few decades ago, Ross Perot tried to break this tradition. But Ross Perot couldn't do it.
In those time period, politicians control the media.

Now, with Social Media, the traditional media lost its power to control the flow of news and information. Social Media empowers the people.

Social Media did bring in change in several countries. So, it could bring in change at home also.

Today's topic of discussion is about next season of House of Cards.
Look at the timings; March 14, 2016.
That is when you see the real heat of the Presidential Election.

Netflix may announce the entry of Claire Underwood as an independent candidate of the presidential election 2016. Netflix is all out to break the tradition of Washington politics.

Claire Underwood may build a new White House in Mountain View, California. Why all power need to be concentrated in Washington. Let the President work from west-coast and other two branches work from east-coast. After all, California is now part of the United States. It was not when they built the White House. Let the power be physically balanced with clear physical separation.

In today, CNN show, the traditional politicians are the best; their performance was the best. In fact, they performed better than Kevin Spacey & his team.

Oh my goodness, the scene between Ted Cruz and  Marco Rubio that was the best performance. That scene is much better than any scene, where the politicians having fake arguments  in House of Cards. Ted Cruz demonstrated the master art of politics. Marco Rubio couldn't hide his fake and kept his head down.

Ted Cruz was better than Francis Underwood when he said, I will make Donald J Trump to pay for building the wall on the border.

They came prepared for this show on CNN. The traditional politicians came prepared; not for the debate; but for performing their act. Each one is assigned for a role with a script.

Jeb Bush & Rand Paul had to pull Donald J Trump down. They did an excellent job.

Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio had to create a scene that would become a topic of discussion for the people.

Somehow, Donald J Trump sensed it and questioned the moderator Hugh Hewitt.

In the last debate, the moderator asked all about running as an independent. That was a fair question and it was the best way for a moderator to be fair and just.

But, here in CNN show, Hugh Hewitt asked this question only to Donald J Trump and Ben Carson. The unfair part of a moderator to express joy and happiness in getting a commitment from these two non-politicians. Hugh Hewitt was assigned with that task and that script. He did perform well; but he couldn't hide his enthusiasm.

Debate moderator is like a judge in a court or a referee in a game. Referee is not supposed to express his joy for a goal.

Both Donald J Trump and Ben Carson do not belong to this club. Whether it is Britain or Washington or Beijing or New Delhi, politicians are all the same; same House of Cards; same, ruthless Francis Underwood.

They will eat both Both Donald J Trump and Ben Carson alive. Somehow, these two non-politicians are real people. In fact, they would better represent the real America.

Just quit; form a team of Trump-Carson; let people know:

We are not the democrats. We are not the republicans.
We are the people of United States of America.

That would be the end of GOP; end of Democratic party; end of CNN too.

For both, Both Donald J Trump and Ben Carson; it is now or never.
Quit and start a fresh journey as independents;
don't form a third or fourth political party.
Just get rid of them.

As per the Constitution of United States of America, as per George Washington wish, go independent.

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