Sunday, April 26, 2015

Colin Stark knew about Nepal Earth Quake

Scientists knew the tragic #NepalQuake was coming eventually

Colin Stark [] is Lamont Associate Research Professor at the Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory, Columbia University. The views expressed are his own.

We knew this disaster was coming eventually. Geophysicists have long monitored how fast the Earth's plates are moving, and we know that the entire subcontinent of India is being driven slowly but surely underneath Nepal and Tibet at a speed of around 1.8 inches per year. It's the reason Everest exists.

Colin Stark [] My main research foci are landslides and mountain rivers, and I blend field observations, data analysis (GIS/RS) and theoretical efforts to the task of understanding them better.   I've focused over recent years on Taiwan and Japan as field areas, in part because of the intimate link between river erosion and landsliding that underpins their mountain landscape dynamics, and in part because the rate at which these landscapes evolve is so high and the year-on-year changes are so marked.

One simple question to Colin. If you knew, then why the hell you didn't inform the government?

Why Colin? why didn't you shout for the entire world?

In this period, you have Twitter, Facebook, YouTube and so many.

Why did you keep your mouth shut then; and now why did you open your mouth and tell the world that you knew about Nepal Earth Quake.

This is what happened in 2004 tsunami. Scientists knew about it; they predicted it. In fact, on 2004 Christmas day, NOAA scientists got the warning about the disaster. But those scientists didn't know how to communicate their message. Those days, social network was not popular; but could have called American Consulate in Chennai and informed them; they would have alerted the Tamilnadu government.
It is so sad. In this period of time, scientists isolate themselves from the rest of the society and continue with their research activities. Like those monks go into forest; isolate themselves and continue with their meditation. All these self-centered actions for their peace of mind.

In that way, they don't harm others; but their actions are of no help to the society.
You cannot just blame scientists; political leaders are responsible for taking decision.

Scientists could not reach Political Leaders. There are only a few exceptions. Albert Einstein could meet with Franklin D. Roosevelt. John F. Kennedy used to meet with space scientists.

Atal Bihari Vajpayee brought Abdul Kalam into political leadership.

Right now, all political leaders seek advice mainly from Security experts for internal and external security. Then they seek help from business management experts and economic advisers. There are no scientists in high office.

Recently, Obama brought Doctor General into his administration.

In this time period, government has to work closely with scientists. Technologists cannot be considered as scientists. Science is the fundamental; technology could take science to a higher level. Certainly science cannot be replace with technology.

Earth quake; agriculture; flood; Ganga cleaning; drought; polio; all needs lot of scientists. It's time scientists and government come closer and work together to meet current day challenges.

So, next time; it is a warning to scientists. If you could open your mouth and share your views with the rest of the world; and save people from disaster; then you would be considered as god.

If you cannot make that announcement in time; then keep your mouth shut.

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