Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Salman Khan got 13 + 5 years punishment


You don't need to go back in history to the ages of Ramayana, Mahabharata,  or other ancient kingdom.

பாண்டிய நாட்டு மன்னன், கோவலனுக்கு தண்டனை அளித்து நிறைவேற்றியது; பிறகு, கண்ணகி அப்பீல் செய்து, எந்தவித சட்டக் கல்லூரியிலும் படிக்காமல், சபையில் வாதாடி, நீதியை நிலை நிறைவேற்றியது.

மனுநீதி சோழன்; அவன் மகன், வேகமாக தேரை ஓட்டிச் சென்று, பசுவின் கன்றை கொன்று விட்டான். பசு, அரண்மனை வாசலில் கட்டி இருந்த ஆராய்ச்சி மணியை அடித்து, நீதி கேட்டது. மன்னன் நீதி வழங்கினான்.

You don't need to look at the western countries for effective judicial system. Just watch that movie, Dushman (1972). It was remade in Tamil, Telugu and Kannada too.

Surjit Singh (Rajesh Khanna) earns a living driving a truck.  He is a rash driver and more than usually also driving while drunk. One night he stops at the prostitute Chamelibai's (Bindu), spends the night with her, and gets up late the next morning. He rushes out and drives at breakneck speed in thick fog to make up for lost time while again drinking. He inevitably ends up running over and killing a farmer named Ram Din. But despite the opportunity to hit and run, he decides to stay and face the consequences. He is arrested by the police, charged, and brought before the courts.  

Surjit acknowledges his guilt to the Judge (Rehman) who in-turn knows that he should send Surjit to prison for two years. But moved by the plight of Ram Din's family (which include his widow Malti (Meena Kumari); his sister Kamla (Kumari Naaz); two young sons; a crippled father Ganga Din (Nana Palsikar), and his blind mother (Leela Mishra)), and his inherent belief that imprisonment does not serve the good of the victim or the perpetrator, the Judge resolves to try a novel experiment of forcing Surjit to live with Ram Din's family and looking after their financial needs. A horrified Surjit attempts in vain to convince the Judge to change his ruling. He is transported to his new "prison" under police protection, where he is met by hostile villagers. Ram Din's family detest his presence, and call him "Dushman" (The enemy). Surjit attempts to escape on the first night, but is apprehended and brought back to serve his time.

Ram Din's family finally accept Surjit as one of their own, and arrange his marriage to Phoolmati. In a final twist though, his two years' imprisonment is complete, and the Police arrive to escort him back to town. He pleads with the Judge to let him serve a life sentence, and the Judge smiles, vindicated that his experiment has been successful.

So, had you given Salman Khan a five years punishment in 2002, by 2007, he would have completed his punishment. But, you delayed it for 13 years.

In that 13 years, Salman Khan; god only knows what mental sufferings he had gone through. 

You have already given Salman Khan a 13 years punishment; so, this additional five years is not right.

One thing you could do; declare 18 years of punishment; then say, he already served 13 years; so, Salman Khan needs to stay in jail for five more years. That is acceptable.

Had it been Kannaghi; she would asked a simple logical question; how do you justify the delay of 13 years to arrive at this judgment.

When you delay it for such a long time, you cannot effectively manage the judicial branch.

What will you do, had an accused die before you give your verdict? Who will then serve in jail?

Thank goodness. This judicial system were not there in Rama or Dharma period. Otherwise, both Rama and Dharam would have spent 13 years in court and then for another 14 years in the forest.

Even in western, Judgment_of_Solomon

Two young women who lived in the same house and who both had an infant son came to Solomon for a judgment. One of the women claimed that the other, after accidentally smothering her own son while sleeping, had exchanged the two children to make it appear that the living child was hers. The other woman denied this and so both women claimed to be the mother of the living son and said that the dead boy belonged to the other.

After some deliberation, King Solomon called for a sword to be brought before him. He declared that there was only one fair solution: the live son must be split in two, each woman receiving half of the child. Upon hearing this terrible verdict, the boy's true mother cried out, "Oh Lord, give the baby to her, just don't kill him!" The liar, in her bitter jealousy, exclaimed, "It shall be neither mine nor yours—divide it!"

Again, thank goodness. That case didn't come to courts in India. They would have delayed it for 13 years. The child would have become a teenager. Then, both mother try to disown the teenager, for the trouble they are gonna give to the parent.

Let Salman Khan go. At least for economical reasons. That is how Indian media look at this case; one channel said 200 crores; another said 250 crores.

The current India is all about vikas; development; economic development. Indian cannot afford to drain 250 crores at this point of time. Subka saath; subka vikaas.

Put a heavy fine on this case; let those producers pay.

But one thing; collect the fine and don't give it to Government of India. Use it for the Judicial Branch. You need modern equipments; don't delay any case in future. Invest all these fine amount on infrastructure of Judicial branch.

In fact, the entire Bollywood would go on a world tour for your cause and collect huge wealth; Dollar tho dollari hai. Buy good equipments; hire good professionals; invest on court system.

Modern times; modern world; modern crimes demand modern equipments.

Right now, you don't have simple மனுநீதி சோழன் ஆராய்ச்சி மணி
You don't have high speed computing equipments.

Total judicial system is ineffective. This is a golden opportunity. Make the best use of this opportunity for the Vikaas of Judicial Branch in India. Get a commitment from entire Bollywood to do a world tour for your cause.

It is a black mail; but who cares. Right now, it is all about Vikaas; no Value.
Value system is gone forever from India.
Vikaas system is going to stay for ever.

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