Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Delhi Model of Democracy

No body knows what is the right kind of democracy.
But everybody wants democracy.

So, democracy has been constantly evolving.

You could understand democracy only if you could compare various flavor of democracies.

Even, Americans abuse their constitutions.
In United States Constitution, search for the following words.
  • primary election
  • politics
  • political party
  • Democrats
  • Republicans
Find out answers for the following questions.
  • The first president, George Washington; was a Democrat or Republican
  • What did George Washington say in his farewell address about political parties
  • When did the current practice of eliminating the candidates via primaries
  • What is the relationship between various branches of democracy
  • What is the difference between the British and the American democracy

The Chinese Premier said, if all nations have the same kind of governments, it will be a boring one.

Coming back to India, the model is evolving.

Indian democracy is way off from the American style democracy.
Indian started with the British model; but then constantly keep evolving.

Indira Gandhi tried out various model of governments.
Others didn't introduce any new changes; just tried to fit into Indira Gandhi's model.

But now, with Narendra Modi, the government model is undergoing massive transformation.

You need to observe; you cannot label it as
  • totalitarian or
  • chinese communist model
  • Singapore benevolent dictatorship
In fact, totalitarian did work. People didn't like Hitler only for the Jews part; otherwise, nobody had any serious complaint about totalitarian model.

Only history authors complains; other political leaders complains; but people just fit into the system.

Main land China has no problem; only people of Hong Kong is in a confused state.

People were happy about Emergency period of Indira Gandhi.
People had complaint only with family planning and other problems of Sanjay Gandhi.
Politicians suffered during Emergency; not the common people.
In emergency, government offices were functioning effectively.

Singapore, people regarded the benevolent dictator as the father of the nation.

Right now, people need development.
Development is an action;
that can be done only by the Executive branch;
certainly not by the Legislative branch.

The emerging Islamic State; it just has the Executive branch; and it is effective too.

China has no Legislative branch burden; that is the main reason for the development of China.
Development means, nowadays it refers to WEALTH and wealth only.
Not about  character; not about health.

No MLA or MPs could question the government in China about health hazard that caused by plastic and electronic recycling materials. So, health wise, China is going down.

Likewise, no MLA or MP could question the government in China about materials made out of elephant tusks and ivory products. China doesn't worry about character of its people. Only concern is money, paise, dollar and rupee.

Coming back to India, the Executive branch feels the burden of the Legislative branch.
So, for some time, may be for a decade, let us first develop the nation;
then we can sit in the parliament and talk for years;
for now, let us just execute our plans and develop India.

To achieve this,  the new government is very comfortable with the Delhi model.
Delhi had election.
Delhi has MLAs.
But no burden of discussion; arguments; resolution; vote on motions;
nothing of that sort.

So, the Central government is very comfortable with the Delhi model.

They are not very keen on establishing BJP governments in every state; then the world may say that, it is all totalitarian system in India. That is not good for business.

So, the Delhi model is a preferred one for now.

Earlier this model used to be referred to as Hung Assembly; now it is Delhi Model.

No Article 375 or something to dislodge the state governments;
then the world will look at India as a bad apple.

Let the seats get distributed among all.
Then Delhi model comes into existence.

Only AAP complains about Delhi Model.
UN; USA; UK; nobody else complains about Delhi Model.

Maharashtra will end up in the Delhi Model.
Political parties may cry about Delhi Model in Maharashtra.
Foreign media may just ignore the Delhi Model in Maharashtra.
Our media are in a very confused state; don't observe things going around them.
People of Maharashtra would love the Delhi Model of Government in Maharashtra.

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