Sunday, June 22, 2014

Deputy Prime Minister

The camera angle makes a huge difference. In fact, the secretaries sit in a more comfortable sofa. If the camera has been on the other side, it would give a different view about the hierarchy.

Obviously, these leaders have their own problems about stability. How could persons occupying unstable position solve crisis; crisis in Iraq.

Iraq. Nowadays, almost the whole world talks about shia; sunni and kurd.

The current issue in Iraq is all about ineffective democracy.

Where ever you have the title, Prime Minister, this kind of unstable situations do exist. In Iraq, it is obvious; in India, it is covered under faking leaders.

For democracy, there are no choices.

United States Constitution is the only working, living democracy.
All others are chaos and confusion; not qualified to be considered as democracy.

In Iraq, it is democracy not in action; it is democracy in confusion.

Instead of Prime Minister, if people of Iraq, directly cast their vote and elect their President, Iraq will be united. The elected President may be from any one of the divisions; but will work for the United States of Iraq.

Over a period of time, human beings are loaded with so many labels.  Some of the labels are very powerful and divisive. When there is a division, there will be conflict.

First and foremost, in United States, they need to get rid of these divisive labels.

The divisive labels in United States are:

When United States get rid of these divisive labels, citizens of United States would prefer the label, Americans.

Likewise, media should not promote the divisive labels of Iraq.
Media may promote the label; citizens of Iraq.

So, whether it is Iraq or Afghanistan, United States may suggest them to adopt the Constitution of United States with three effective branches; with clear separation of power, authority and responsibilities.

Look at the confusion in India. It appears, Narendra Modi is the Prime Minister and Rajnath Singh is the deputy Prime Minister. The secretaries may get confused; whose command they need to execute.

In India, the constitution doesn't provide stability. These gentlemen and the lady understand the defects in the constitution and they act with greater responsibility.

It is a very balancing act; they need to retain their current position. At the same time, they need to eliminate other positions and move forward or higher. The moment they feel settled, others will be very active. So, every moment, they need to be alert. Just like those football players on the field.

In United States constitution, there is no conflict within the system. The constitution provides strength to face any outside challenges and crisis.

In India, Iraq, the constitution creates more conflicts within the system. So, internal conflicts take away all the energy; and the Prime Minister has no energy to face any crisis and challenges; then how could they solve any crisis.

Narendra Modi is capable of throwing old, non-performing constitution away.

In that way, India would lead the rest of the world. Pakistan, Bangaladesh, Sri Lanka, Iraq, Afghanistan, Japan, Australia, Canada, South Africa; almost all of those old British Empire.

That is the hope of people of India; that is the major concern for Congress, BJP, RSS.

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